
Welcome to my magazine!  Where we aim to challenge societies ideas on beauty through celebrating genuine Diversity.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall by Gabrielle McLean

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall by Gabrielle McLean

It can be a challenge to feel confident in yourself, but the goal of this project is to decorate your mirror so that you can remind yourself of how amazing you are! You are beautiful just the way you are, and this mirror will be one of a kind, just like you! If you use the mirror when doing your makeup, hair, or skincare in the morning, or just getting ready in general, it can be a great way to start the day. It can also be a great way to end the day as you get ready for bed.


Mirror (any size)

Hot Glue or Tacky Glue

Fake flowers, Rhinestones, Shells, Beads, Stickers, whatever you like!

Yarn, String, or Ribbon and Beads

Dry Erase Markers, Paper and Pen, or Stickers



Step one: Using a hot glue gun or tacky glue, adhere your items to your mirror if you so choose. Make sure you allow the glue to dry. For a small mirror, try to glue the items in a way that will not block the actual mirror since there is not as much space to work with. Additionally, if the mirror has a stand or handle be mindful of it so you place the decorations in a way that will still allow you to easily use the mirror. If you have a larger mirror, such as one that goes on your wall or door, you may want to have more items, though you can choose to only put one object. If you have a vanity with a mirror built into it, you can still do this activity! If you have photos, you may be able to place them in between the mirror and wood of the vanity so they stay in place. This aspect is really flexible and can be any combination of these items; check around your house to see what you have-it may surprise you!

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Step two: If you do not want to glue anything to your mirror, you may choose to use string, yarn, or ribbon to decorate your mirror instead. If you have beads you can place these on your string of choice, too! You may hang these strings across your mirror or you may tie them so they hang on either side of the mirror. The location is up to you. It may be easiest to do this on a standing mirror or other larger mirror, like one that is part of a vanity, but it can still be done with a smaller mirror, too-just play around with the ribbon to see what set up works best. Wrapping the ribbon around the handle, as shown in the picture, is another option. If you have a string of lights you can drape these on your mirror if it is a standing or wall mirror.

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Step three: With your dry erase markers, write inspirational or comforting messages on your mirror. If you do not have dry erase markers, post-it notes or small pieces of paper are a great alternative. You can write your note and then stick it on the mirror with tape, or if your mirror has a frame you may be able to stick the paper between the mirror and the frame. This message may say “You Rock!” or “You Look Awesome,” for example. Yet another option is to use paint to write the message or utilize stickers with motivational phrases; however, this is more permanent, so consider the options before deciding what will work best for you. The sticker I had says "If you believe in yourself anything is possible" and I decided to cut it so one part could be on the top of the mirror and the other part on the bottom as I felt this was the best way to lay it out.

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Step four: Once you are done you can admire your work! If your mirror has a stand or a handle, place it in the spot where you get ready in the morning, otherwise keep it where it is (whether it is part of your vanity, or on the back of a door). This will serve as a pick-me-up in the morning as you prepare to tackle the day and/or as you prepare to end your day by getting ready to sleep.

Marie Southard Ospina paper doll by Veronica Rezaba

Marie Southard Ospina paper doll by Veronica Rezaba

Affirmation Garland by Allison Mitola

Affirmation Garland by Allison Mitola