
Welcome to my magazine!  Where we aim to challenge societies ideas on beauty through celebrating genuine Diversity.

The Art of Nicole NoZe

The Art of Nicole NoZe

Artist: Nicole NoZe


“Nicole NoZe is an abstract and neoexpressionist artist living in Frankfurt am Main. She studied law in Vienna. Her aim is to combine and re-frame methodologies from legal theory and arts in order to open up possibilities of perceiving, knowing and communicating, to speak the unspoken and see the invisible, she does so in her artistic practice as well as in her academic research in legal and feminist theory and philosophy.

From radically reclaiming and exploring (her) female embodiment and female sexuality, as well as symbiosis and separation in relationships, to the dynamics between victims and perpetrators, she explores a variety of themes. They all revolve around the fundamental embodiment of human existence, vulnerability and aggression, autonomy and subordination and the binary understanding and sensation of these concepts.“


Instagram: https://instagram.com/nicole_noze_arts?igshid=3sztkluibtq

Curator Zoë Walker 

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The Art of David Vanadia

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