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The Art of Sui Park

Her Behance is: https://www.behance.net/spark19

Website: Suipark.com

Instagram: @Park.Sui

Curator Emily Kellogg

My work involves creating 3-dimensional organic forms in generic and biomorphic shapes. Through these forms, I attempt to express seemingly static yet dynamic characteristics of our evolving lives. While they resemble transitions, and transformations of nature, the forms are to capture subtle but continuous changes in our emotions, sentiments, memories and expectations.

I weave and connect traces and tracks of the subtle changes into organic forms. The organic forms are made with mass-produced industrial materials, in particular, Monofilament and Cable Ties. They are non–durable, disposable, trivial, inexpensive and easily consumed materials. But, when I weave and connect them, they are transformed into organic visualizations. I want them to be creating lasting moments, evoking and encapsulating our precious thoughts.

I often find these moments from nature. I think nature allows us to pause and find things that have been overlooked and are inspiring. Nature provides me with rooms to find breakthroughs and answers, and gives me time to ponder into thoughts. Through my work, I want to bring to our attention the moments that nature allows us to find and look forward. I present nature in abstract porous ways so that they can be filled with our moments.

Curator Emily Kellogg