
Welcome to my magazine!  Where we aim to challenge societies ideas on beauty through celebrating genuine Diversity.

The Art of Ann Hamilton

The Art of Ann Hamilton

Artist: Ann Hamilton

Artist Statement: Ann Hamilton is a visual artist internationally acclaimed for her large-scale multimedia installations, public projects, and performance collaborations. Her site-responsive process works with common materials to invoke particular places, collective voices, and communities of labor. Noted for a dense accumulation of materials, her ephemeral environments create immersive experiences that poetically respond to the architectural presence and social history of their sites. Whether inhabiting a building four stories high or confined to the surface of a thimble, the genesis of Hamilton's art extends outwards from the primary projections of the hand and mouth. Her attention to the uttering of a sound or the shaping of a word with the hand places language and text at the tactile and metaphoric center of her installations. To enter their liminality is to be drawn equally into the sensory and linguistic capacities of comprehension that construct our faculties of memory, reason and imagination.


Official website: http://www.annhamiltonstudio.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/annhamilton/

Curator: Yingyao Wang

“Mattering” Project

Held in Musée d'art contemporain de Lyon • Lyon, France

NOVEMBER 26,1997 - FEBRUARY 6, 1998

Materials: orange silk, live peacocks, utility pole, six wall-mounted perches, attendant, porcelain inkpot, inked typewriter ribbon, sound

The attendant continuously wraps one hand in blue ribbon, creating a dense mitt

The Art of Timo Konttinen

The Art of Timo Konttinen

The Art of Ramón Garcia

The Art of Ramón Garcia