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The Art of Cecilia Thibes

The Art of Cecilia Thibes

Artist: Cecilia Thibes


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ceciliathibes/

Website: http://www.ceciliathibes.com/

Artist Statement: 

Cecilia Thibes was born in Parana, South of Brazil. Art manifestations have always been a part of her life. Since Cecilia Thibes earliest memories, she felt challenged to grasp the essence of art and its various possibilities. Something that absorbed her inner self and engaged her on a long intellectual and practical research. In 1986, the artist chose to study Anthroposophy at the Studiumjahr Goetheanum Institute, in Dornach, Switzerland, which would impact and influence her carreer for many years into the future. After living for a time in Europe, Thibes went back to Brazil and participated in two advanced training programs within the Athroposophical Artistic field. Because of all her deep life experiences with art connection, her atelier has been an active space for work as an Art Therapist, Art Teacher and Painter. It is also a place where the artist has a permanent collection of her art work.

Curator: Yingyao Wang

Socks , ribbons and drawings installation

Organic materials collage on wood board

Mixed media on Kraft paper

Collage and mixed media on wood

Photo intervention


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