
Welcome to my magazine!  Where we aim to challenge societies ideas on beauty through celebrating genuine Diversity.

The Art of Jasmine Soompholphakdy (Cool Beens)

The Art of Jasmine Soompholphakdy (Cool Beens)

Artist: Jasmine Soompholphakdy (Cool Beens)


There's nothing better to me then a good joke. Of course I love telling stories, but my favorite part about stories are the funny bits and pieces that stick with you. Jokes that you think of randomly in the middle of work and bust out laughing before realizing you're at work and you probably should stop laughing. A little moment of happiness in everyone's day. I am a simple person: If I think of a joke, I want to tell it to everybody, and now that I learned the medium of animation it just takes it to a whole new level. Making the most mundane events into the most precious memories. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing for people though, but I sure hope it's a good thing!


Website: https://cool-beens.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coolbeen.s

Twitter: https://twitter.com/darealbeens

Curator: Phoebe Oh

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The Art of Donovan Kelleher

The Art of Donovan Kelleher

The Art of Ricardo Ales

The Art of Ricardo Ales