
Welcome to my magazine!  Where we aim to challenge societies ideas on beauty through celebrating genuine Diversity.

LIZZO paper doll by Cassie Simpson

LIZZO paper doll by Cassie Simpson

Growing up playing with paper dolls, there was never even a modicum of diversity within them. So when I created my very own magazine, I wanted to include paper dolls which did indeed celebrate the beauty of our reality. Thus, as the challenge that was 2020 comes to a close, we here at VOLUP2 Magazine want to end on a positive note by celebrating the icon that is LIZZO!!

Simply right-click to save the images and you will have your very own Lizzo doll! And special thanks to the artist, Cassie Simpson.

We wish all of our followers the HAPPIEST, HEALTHIEST 2021, sending you lots of Love, and Joy!


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JAMIE paper doll by Veronica Rezeba

JAMIE paper doll by Veronica Rezeba

New Year, New You Vision Board by Gabrielle McLean

New Year, New You Vision Board by Gabrielle McLean